Tag: cold

  • Epic ride finishing week atop three Strava leaderboards

    The Samford student chapter of the ACM organized a ride today leaving from Chelsea High School and climbing up one of my favorite climbs – Double Oak Way. Three brave students and one crazy professor (me) met at 1:00 to complete the ride. We were waiting on one person before the start of the ride,…

  • Vestavia/Bluff Park Ice Ride

    We have had a record-breaking cold spell here in Alabama and everything is frozen over. Today it was a bit warmer, and tomorrow it may hit 50 so I thought I would take some pictures on my ride today of the once every 20 years icy scenes. Ton of climbing on the ride to get…

  • Awesome mountain bike ride Shell Lake to Rice Lake

    Kristine had errands to run in Rice Lake (about 20 miles away), and we wanted to take the kids ice skating – so we worked it out for me to bike down there on some nice backroads for a good 32 mile ride. It was COLD. The air temps were in the lower teens, but…

  • Cold roller ridin’

    The high temperature today was at midnight this morning. The temperature dropped throughout the day until it was just over 10 degrees by the time I started a two hour ride on the rollers outside on the back porch. By the end of the ride, the temp was down to 3 degrees. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xpl5CqoXrg&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6]

  • Winter road riding before the big storm

    I went for a 52 mile road bike ride today up here in northwestern Wisconsin – figured it would be my only chance before we leave to head home on Tuesday since there is a winter storm being compared to a storm from 1991 that is supposed to hit us tonight, tomorrow, and Christmas day…