Category: Racing
TNGA 2019
Timer selife at the finish line – second try as I wasn’t quick enough to get back over and sit down the first time. Let’s start at the very end at the Alabama border where the Silver Comet becomes the Chief Ladiga trail if you are heading west, or vice versa if you are heading…
Skyway Epic 2019 and 2018
2019 skyway 300 finish 2018 skyway 280 finish I just realized I never finished the draft I had started of my race report from 2018. I’ve included that original draft at the end of this post after the 2019 race recap. Here is my finish line picture above that Brent took from both years. The…
Ride4Gabe 2017
I’m excited to announce that Hope4Gabe is partnering with me to make the Race Across America its kickoff Ride4Gabe event for 2017. It’s only the kickoff, though, because after the race ends, and after we’ve made it back home to Alabama, we’ll also be organizing a ride out of Chelsea on July 1st that you…
2017 Skyway Epic 200 Mile Race (Report)
Skyway Epic 2017 – Inaugural 200 Mile Race Podium. Brian Toone (1st), Eddie O’Dea (2nd), Chris Joice (3rd), Justin Shealey (4th), Pete Foret (5th), Josh Lederman (6th) I’ve arranged these pictures from 1st – 6th, but this inaugural edition of the 200 mile version of the Skyway Epic mountain bike race was definitely a race…
2016 Season Statistics – All of Alabama 2016 Season StatisticsBeing able to participate in such a significant life-changing endeavor as the 2016 Ride4Gabe was certainly the highlight of my cycling year, and that led spontaneously to the establishment of a primary goal for 2016 – to ride in every county in Alabama in one year. I set this goal when I…
The Old Howard plus There and Back Again
Listening to introductions from Samford University’s Rosemary Fisk before the start of the 12th annual Old Howard Century on the campus of Judson College nearby Samford’s original location in Marion, Alabama. The ride down to Old Howard “Let’s meet at the I-65 bridge at 3:15AM.” Sounds to me like planning a meeting with the mafia,…
Skyway Epic and Tour de Tuscaloosa Double Header
Skyway 2016 100 mile podium. Left-to-right: Jeff Clayton, Brian Toone, and Hefin Jones. I was freezing cold after the race so I donned a skull cap and my winter jacket thinking I’d take it off right before the podium but then my zipper was stuck and I couldn’t get the jacket off. Oh well!!! Shout…
Paris-Brest-Paris southern style data analysis
One of the lessons that I learned the hard way during RAAM is that it really doesn’t matter how much power you can put out on the bike. It doesn’t matter how long you can sustain a Zone 5 heartrate. It doesn’t even matter a great deal how fast you ride your bike. The only…
Rouge Roubaix 2016
Low water bridge … under water! Flooding caused a few route changes this year. I was prepared for the flooding, though, as I practiced fording a river on my Thursday ride back in Alabama. I found all the dirt roads and gravel roads I could find that I felt were good simulation for the Rouge…
Climbing, climbing, and more climbing
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Brian Toone (@kartoone76) It has been a busy week of riding and racing with the Cheaha Climbing camp on Thursday, the Southern Cross race on Saturday morning, and then following that up in the afternoon with a “5 Gap” ride up to the highest point in…