Garmin data imported into Polar Protrainer – annotated




13 responses to “Garmin data imported into Polar Protrainer – annotated”

  1. Filipe Salvado Avatar

    Impressive site! Congratulations!

    Can I ask how did you managed to import gamin data into Polar Protrainer?

    I’m now using an Edge800 unit but I miss a lot Protrainer’s analysis and reports.

    Thanks and keep on training!


    1. kartoone Avatar

      I’ve got a converter that can convert .FIT data to .HRM data, but it is only running on a local website. I have a public converter that converts .TCX files from the Garmin 705 to .HRM data. You can use Garmin connect ( to upload your Garmin 800 file and then export it as a .TCX file. Then use my public converter here to convert the .TCX file to .HRM … here is the link to my converter – I am hoping to have my direct converter from .FIT to .HRM available on the site in the next week or two.

      1. Monte Avatar

        It looks like your converter is no longer working? Where is the link to the current version?

  2. Aivars Avatar


    Is there a way by using your converter to convert every heart beat instead of 1 or 5 sec? This would allow to use it for the Kupios HRVA software which would be a real blast!!!



    1. kartoone Avatar

      That sounds really intriguing. It probably wouldn’t be too hard to update the converter, but the protrainer software I believe will still collapse it back down to 1 second display on its graphs. If you can send me documentation on the HRVA file format, I could probably create a web page displaying a google chart with the every heart beat data overlaid with the Garmin speed, power, cadence data. Actually, this is closely related to a research project I am working on to detect and correct heartrate anomalies (e.g., jersey flap, other interference) based on power data and the predicted heartrate based on the work by Conconi.

      1. celrob3 Avatar

        Hi, I have converted my TCX file to HRM file but how have you got your HRM file into PPT5?

  3. celrob3 Avatar

    Hi, I have converted TCX to HRM filebut how have you got your HRM file into PPT5?

    1. kartoone Avatar

      I’ve linked to a couple screenshots showing the procedure …

      1. Open the calendar … double click on the day the ride occurred
      2. Click the “add new exercise button in the top right”
      3. Click the paper-clip in the lower right and select “attach an exercise…”
      4. Browse for the HRM file you converted from TCX
      5. Click OK and you are done

      Here is the screenshots –

      steps 1 and 2
      steps 3 and 4

  4. celrob3 Avatar

    Cheers Kartoone that worked fine thank you for the help and converter.

  5. Lanfranchi Avatar

    Bonjour Kartoone… étant actuellement sur polar flow (j’ai acquis un V800), je ne peux plus utiliser polar pro trainer pour exporter mes fichiers d’entraînement. Les seules conversions que l’on me propose chez polarflow: c’est du tcx, csv et gpx. Pas de hrm… or l’analyse dans polar flow n’est pas du tout à la hauteur du logiciel pro trainer… c’est pourquoi j’aimerais continuer à l’utiliser. J’étais donc très intéressée par votre convertisseur. Je rencontre malgré tout un problème: mes séances comportent des laps, soit manuels, soit automatiques tous les 1000m… et le convertisseur ne convertit que la portion du premier lap. Comment faire pour avoir la séance en entier? Est-ce possible? Merci beaucoup!

    1. kartoone Avatar

      My French is not great, but my tools do not convert from polar to TCX, but the reverse – from TCX to polar. Sorry!

  6. Matteo Predicatori Avatar
    Matteo Predicatori

    Do you have a software to convert .fit (from Bryton) to .hrm? Many thanks

    1. kartoone Avatar

      Unfortunately I do not have a tool for that.

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