Quick Summary: 2nd place in 55’12” (21 seconds slower than last year). View full results on the COGS website
The Details: The conditions were not so good this year with a steady light rain falling all morning. Last year’s race was held at the end of July in hot, humid, sunny conditions. Today was rainy, chilly, and a bit windy. Check out the radar from late morning and also my heart rate data … the interesting thing about my heart rate data is that it was raining hard enough that the accumulation of water disrupted my altitude readings. I overlaid last year’s correct elevation profile (yellow) on top of this year’s (orange).

- Low initial heart rate … cold and rainy and trying not to overcook the first climbs
- Very low heart rate for how hard it felt like I was working my legs!
- Ummm… not sure what happened here – I definitely tried to push it hard over the top of the climb, but I think the spikes are bad readings from the heart rate monitor
- Good, high, gradually increasing heart rate all the way to the top of the climb
- I was very happy with how I was able to push it all the way up the long false flat, gradual climb … little chain ring spinning 22mph all the way up the climb
- I decided to attack the bottom of each of these hills on the way back to take advantage of downward momentum from the preceding downhill
The full collection of Eric’s photos is available here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/diddlee/sets/72157618373256398/.
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