I had my longest training ride of the year today. Kristine was meeting some friends in Chattanooga for a lunch get-together, and my parents had volunteered to take the kids for the night – sooo what’s a crazy cyclist to do … bike to Chattanooga!!! That was the plan, and it went pretty well but I ran out of time and daylight and only made it to Rising Fawn, Georgia about 20 miles short of the goal! I had a tailwind for much of the ride and averaged close to 22 mph for the first 4 hours. Here’s a map of the route, some pictures I took along the way, and my HR/Power data.

To put everything in perspective, I had a tailwind for a good part of the ride and I still didn’t even make it the distance that they race in Paris-Roubaix! And I didn’t have cobblestones to deal with, although there was one part of US 11 in Dekalb County that was pretty rough.
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